Galeria de Fotos - Festival de Goodwood 2011 - Carros de carros antigos e
Ford Escort RS Cosworth T-escort rs cosworthMG ZR 160 vvc £900 ovnocamper fiat 900Galeria de Fotos - Festival de Goodwood 2011 - Carros de carros antigos eberlin carro1970 340 Dodge Dart Wallpaper1972 dodge dart1959 Chevrolet Impala$1250001959 chevy impalakicks on 1:64 Route 66corvette route 661959 Chevy Impala Emblem1959 chevy impalaScott Chalk's 1959 Chevrolet1959 chevy impalaLancia Delta
Toyota revela Hilux 2012
Toyota revela Hilux 2012
Modelo ganha novo visual e estreia no Salão da Austrália
Grade em forma de “sorriso” alinha a Hilux aos demais modelos da Toyota
A Hilux 2012 se aproxima de seu lançamento na Austrália e, com isso, as primeiras fotos e informações oficiais foram divulgadas. Nas imagens, fica clara a reestilização feita na picape, que também será aplicada no utilitário esportivo SW4. Será o último facelift da atual geração, que deverá ser substituída em 2014.
Com vendas ultrapassando o marco de 700 mil unidades na Austrália, a Hilux 2012 terá sua primeira aparição mundial no salão do automóvel local. A Toyota já divulgou também as mudanças de equipamentos para aquele mercado, que inclui freios ABS de série em todas as versões e uma nova opção mais barata, voltada para o uso profissional.
A marca japonesa adaptou o visual da Hilux para se adequar à nova linguagem da marca. Isso incluiu a nova grade dianteira em forma de “sorriso”, novos farois duplos, para-choque traseiro cromado e lanternas traseiras com novas lentes. O capô também tem novo desenho, para se adequar ao recorde da grade.
A Hilux das fotos é a versão SR5 local, e as vendas da nova picape começam em setembro na Austrália. No Brasil, os interessados podem esperar ainda por um novo motor flex que terá como base o atual 2.7 16V a gasolina de 158 cavalos. A Hilux vendida aqui será trazida da Argentina, onde o lançamento acontece em outubro.
FONTE: Auto Esporte
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Max Factor Vs Max Factor
Last week I was lucky enough to be sent 2 Max Factor mascaras to write a review for. Instead of writing two separate reviews I thought why not put them to the test against eachother. So I will be reviewing/comparing the Maxfactor False Lash Effect Fusion vs the Maxfactor False Lash Effect mascaras.First up is the False Lash Effect FusionPROS*Has a thick wand with little spikes so you can reach
Max Factor Vs Max Factor
Last week I was lucky enough to be sent 2 Max Factor mascaras to write a review for. Instead of writing two separate reviews I thought why not put them to the test against eachother. So I will be reviewing/comparing the Maxfactor False Lash Effect Fusion vs the Maxfactor False Lash Effect mascaras.First up is the False Lash Effect FusionPROS*Has a thick wand with little spikes so you can reach
Season 3 Will Be Last for ‘Glee’ Stars Lea Michele, Cory Monteith & Chris Colfer
source:[Photo: Getty Images]It’s the cast shake-up we all saw coming but didn’t want to admit. Series regulars Lea Michele,Cory Monteith and Chris Colfer will not be returning to Fox’s smash “Glee” in season four according to co-creator Ryan Murphy in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.We first got wind of Murphy’s intentions to revamp the cast in an interview with “On Air
Man Falls Off Building While Proposing To His Girlfriend [VIDEO]
source: ryanseacrest.comThis crazy marriage proposal of a man falling off of a building while in the middle of proposing, only to land safely onto a jumper seems a bit odd for several reasons. First, is the small group of “friends” and their very un-responsive reaction to both the fall and when the fiancé realizes he’s ok. Second is the strategically placed beverage bottle the gentleman is
9 things you shouldn't say to your child
source: -- I was trying to do two things at once -- cook (in the kitchen) while deciphering some paperwork (in the next room). I'd been interrupted a thousand times with requests for snacks, shrieks over spilled paint water, questions about what squirrels like to eat, and arguments over whether clouds could be blue and flowers could be green. And did I mention that
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Watch Demi Lovato’s New Music Video for ‘Skyscraper’ [VIDEO]
source: ryanseacrest.comYesterday, Demi Lovato spoke candidly On Air with Ryan Seacrest about her time in rehab and her new song “Skyscraper.” She revealed that recording the song was an extremely emotional and cathartic experience for her. Her ultra personal interview with Ryan had everyone wondering what the music video would be like. Well, Lovatics, wonder no more! Here’s your first look at
Watch Demi Lovato’s New Music Video for ‘Skyscraper’ [VIDEO]
source: ryanseacrest.comYesterday, Demi Lovato spoke candidly On Air with Ryan Seacrest about her time in rehab and her new song “Skyscraper.” She revealed that recording the song was an extremely emotional and cathartic experience for her. Her ultra personal interview with Ryan had everyone wondering what the music video would be like. Well, Lovatics, wonder no more! Here’s your first look at
First Trailer for ‘Glee: The 3D Concert Movie’ Debuts Online [VIDEO]
source: ryanseacrest.comThe TV show that has become something of a beacon for today’s youth is finally coming to the big screen and now fans are getting their first look at the new film. “Glee: The 3D Concert Movie” is set to hit theaters on August 12 and features performances and behind the scenes footage with 14 cast members of Fox’s smash show.In theaters for only two weeks, the film will be
California governor signs bill requiring schools to teach gay history
source: edition.cnn.comLos Angeles (CNN) -- Democratic California Gov. Jerry Brown said Thursday he had signed a bill that will require public schools in the state to teach students about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.The bill, believed to be the first of its kind in the nation, will also require teachers to provide instruction on the role of people with
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Miss Ripley Ep 15| Korean Drama
Miss Ripley Episode 15 Korean Drama. In what has been a long time and you wait until it was already available for you for tomorrow then you should immediately watch the latest episode in this Korean Drama so if you’ve been waiting and eager to watch it then you can do if this is you pass it you should be patient first. Small birds melodious voice, served as an entertainer. They always heard
Turning by Dawn Kirby
CarlyMatt passed the girl a towel and sat heavily down on the couch. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go to the cops?” he asked her. “There’s one right outside I can grab if you want.”“I’m positive,” she hollered through the closed door. “Look, I get that you’re scared, but I really think you should. Any man that can beat a person the way he did you should be in jail.” He looked up at the ceiling
OS X Lion
Apple OS X Lion: OS X Lion Hit UK Mac Apple Store: Mac OS X 10.7 to arrive on Thursday, now will report to the United Kingdom may be the first to hear the ‘Lion’ Roar. The Cupertino, California will release its new version of the Mac operating system on the UK Mac App Store at 1 am, according to a report citing “a close contact at Apple.”Apple has already released several beta versions of the
Gaetane Thiney Naked Photos
Gaetane Thiney N*de Photos: Three Members of Team France Posed N*de Before the 2011 Women's World Cup: Gaetane Thiney, Elodie Thomis and Corine Franco are getting naked for soccer. Three French National Team Players Women Gaetane Thiney, Elodie Franco Thomist And CORINE Photographed Without Clothes For Loaded In the image half Newspapers Attract Public Attention to More Noting Football
The The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Leaked
The The Dark Knight Rises Trailer Leaked: Watch the next Batman Movie, The Dark Knight Rises! This is the trailer to be aired before the movie of Harry Potter Final this weekend.the first teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises will screen this Friday ahead of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. The concluding chapter in Christopher Nolan's trilogy is still in the process of filming,
OS X Lion Release Date
OS X Lion Release Date is July: Apple OS X Lion: Mac OS X Lion (version 10.7) is set to be the eighth major Release: OS X Lion Hit UK Mac Apple Store: Mac OS X 10.7 to arrive on Thursday, now will report to the United Kingdom may be the first to hear the ‘Lion’ Roar. The Cupertino, California will release its new version of the Mac operating system on the UK Mac App Store at 1 am, according to a
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Harry Potter Final Wiki: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Wiki: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer Official: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Release Date 15 July 2011: Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Release Date 15 July 2011: The final adventure in the Harry Potter film series follows Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint), and Hermione (
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Internet Cafe: Search Result Look What She Did In Internet Cafe Video: Singapore Google Trend Look What She Did In Internet Cafe ONLINE TV: She Sighed softly walking into the rather large & clouded Cafe'. Her hood was down, but when it was, she could be compared to except with longer hair, her tangled hair was hanging in front of her eyes & Takanaka would probably want to brush her hair if he
TrackBlasters Radio: 15.07.11
Da Fat Friday Afternoon - The Official Soundtrack To Your Weekend Host: DJ P.R.Happy Friday Ya'll!Record Of The Day: Black Milk - Royal MegaPlaylistBlack Milk - Brain**Record Of The Day**Black Milk - Royal MegaCocaine80s - Summer MadnessThe Cool Kids feat. Maxine Ashley - Summer Jam Asher Roth feat. Quan - SummertimeRaekwon feat. Method Man &
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Adalah pelayanan alat dan obat kontrasepsi kepada calon atau pesertaKB/klien sesuai dengan kondisi klien termasuk penanganan efek sampingdan komplikasi yang dilakukan oleh tenaga yang memenuhi syarat yaitudokter spesialis, dokter umum, bidan dan tenaga lain yang ditunjuk.Pelayanan kesehatan untuk para peserta KB dengan maksud menanggulangikeluhan akibat pemakaian alat pencegah kehamilan.
BSNYC Friday Complimentary Lute Lesson!
ESPN wants to kill you.How do I know this? Well, as I mentioned in yesterday's post, ESPN's commentators think it's funny when drivers hit people on bikes. But that's not all. In fact, this is just the tip of a massive "sporting industrial complex" conspiracy against cyclists, for yesterday I got the following email:Monster Cable iSport Immersion In-Ear Headphones Review OpportunityAllowing
BSNYC Friday Complimentary Lute Lesson!
ESPN wants to kill you.How do I know this? Well, as I mentioned in yesterday's post, ESPN's commentators think it's funny when drivers hit people on bikes. But that's not all. In fact, this is just the tip of a massive "sporting industrial complex" conspiracy against cyclists, for yesterday I got the following email:Monster Cable iSport Immersion In-Ear Headphones Review OpportunityAllowing
Sam Pinto and the 'Sexiest Women in the World' featured on FHM Victory Party 2011 (Photos)
Sam Pinto who was voted this year as FHM Philippines' "Most Sexy Woman in the World' led the sexy women who ramped the stagedof the burlesque-themed FHM 100 Sexiest Women Victory Party which was successfully held last night (July 14, 2011) at the World Trade Center in Pasay City.Check out photos of the said event below:Photos courtesy of PLDT. By the way, you can catch the replay of the event
Sam Pinto and the 'Sexiest Women in the World' featured on FHM Victory Party 2011 (Photos)
Sam Pinto who was voted this year as FHM Philippines' "Most Sexy Woman in the World' led the sexy women who ramped the stagedof the burlesque-themed FHM 100 Sexiest Women Victory Party which was successfully held last night (July 14, 2011) at the World Trade Center in Pasay City.Check out photos of the said event below:Photos courtesy of PLDT. By the way, you can catch the replay of the event
Trailer, Poster dan Foto dari Prekuel 'The Thing'
The Thing adalah sebuah film horor klasik terkenal era tahun 1980-an karya sutradara horor legendaris John Carpenter. Kini hampir 30 tahun lalu, film itu kembali diremake ulang dengan sutradara Matthijs van Heijningen Jr dan mengambil cerita sebelum kejadian di film orisinilnya (prekuel). Promosi pun mulai dilakukan Universal Pictures dengan merilis trailer, poster dan foto pertama The Thing
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Stroke adalah ancaman penyakit yang mengerikan karena prosesnya bisa berlangsung cepat. Jika tidak cepat tertolong bisa berisiko kematian, sebaliknya jika masih bisa diselamatkan akan mengalami kecacatan. Studi baru menemukan bahwa makan 3 buah pisang setiap hari bisa membantu Anda menurunkan risiko stroke.Peneliti dari Inggris dan Italia telah menemukan bahwa makan tiga pisang sehari dapat
Obama White House caught red-handed for slash and burn mission against Fox News
And why wouldn’t Obama be out to get Fox, the only legitimate news organization in the country that doesn’t carry the water for him?It’s pretty simple math to understand why Fox beats CNN and MSNBC combined in the ratings. People know those other organizations are propaganda machines for the White House. And MSNBC has doubled down their efforts to keep African Americans in line by using Al
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1957 Ford Fairlane Images,1951 ford dash boardAlfa Romeo Coupe Bertone 2600 by ~sebikotane on deviantARTalfa romeo bertoneFilipino Dance Club Batch 47thfilipino babes0 comments:cls 63 amg wei1939 Tatra T87tatra 87My first car was a Fiat Unofiat 131 motorFS:NC/05 subaru STI blue/goldsubaru sti custom blue1951 Pontiac no - Images1951 ford dash boardpetrol engine withcls 63 amg weiRe: Alfa Romeo
Obama media in panic mode: "Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%
This is the big story the mainstream media won’t give 30 seconds to report on the network news. The truth of the matter is the majority American people can’t wait to vote the community organizer from the Southside of Chicago out of office.But be that as it may, the Obama lovin’ media will continue their misinformation campaign to report that Obama’s re-election is inevitable. They have to because
Demi Lovato debuts "Skyscraper" music video
Demi Lovato has debuted the music video of her newest single "Skyscraper" on E! Online today (saw it online last Wednesday, though). The song, which said to be autobiographical, has been well received and had been a trending topic on Twitter for days.Demi Lovato debuts "Skyscraper" Music VideoDemi's new music video is pretty much simple. In a light, breezy dress, she heartily sings "Skyscraper"
Demi Lovato debuts "Skyscraper" music video
Demi Lovato has debuted the music video of her newest single "Skyscraper" on E! Online today (saw it online last Wednesday, though). The song, which said to be autobiographical, has been well received and had been a trending topic on Twitter for days.Demi Lovato debuts "Skyscraper" Music VideoDemi's new music video is pretty much simple. In a light, breezy dress, she heartily sings "Skyscraper"
UAAP: 'Guide' to watching Eagles-Archers game goes viral on Facebook
UAAP rival teams Ateneo Blue Eagles and La Salle Green Archers are set to meet for the first time in UAAP Season 74 before an expected sellout crowd on Saturday at the Araneta Coliseum.Ateneo and La Salle to face off for the first time this season on SaturdayA few days before the highly anticipated duel, a so-called guide to watching the Ateneo-La Salle game made the rounds on Facebook. The list
UAAP: 'Guide' to watching Eagles-Archers game goes viral on Facebook
UAAP rival teams Ateneo Blue Eagles and La Salle Green Archers are set to meet for the first time in UAAP Season 74 before an expected sellout crowd on Saturday at the Araneta Coliseum.Ateneo and La Salle to face off for the first time this season on SaturdayA few days before the highly anticipated duel, a so-called guide to watching the Ateneo-La Salle game made the rounds on Facebook. The list
Taman laut Terbesar di Indonesia
Inilah kecantikan Raja Ampat yang mulai termasyhur itu. Terdiri dari 1500 pulau dan atoll, serta empat pulau besar, Raja Ampat menyimpan terumbu karang terlengkap di dunia. Belum lagi perairannya. Dengan air sebening kaca, dari tebing dengan ketinggian 100 meter, ikan-ikan di bawahnya pun bisa terlihat jelas.Raja Ampat pun menjadi rumah bagi berbagai spesies burung cendrawasih, maleo, nuri,
My Top Ten Joints (15.07.11 - 31.07.11)
01. Kendrick Lamar - Section.80 [LP]02. Common feat. Nas - Ghetto Dreams 03. Pusha T feat. Tyler, The Creator - Trouble On My Mind04. Wu-Tang feat. Method Man, Cappadonna & Trife Diesel - Diesel Fluid05. The Cool Kids - When Fish Ride Bicycles [LP]06. Nas - Nasty07. Cocaine80s - Summer Madness08. Curren$y - Weekend At Burnies [LP] 09. Drake - Dreams Money Can Buy / Marvin's Room10. Tyler, The
2011 Emmy Nominations
FOCUS-GLOBAL~HBO dominates the Emmy Awards nominations~The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences on Thursday announced the nominees for the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards. At first glance, the list seems to stock largely the same series as last year, but there are some significant newcomers.In the Best Series, Drama category, HBO newcomers "Game of Thrones" and "Boardwalk Empire" enter the running as
A Naked Paz De La Huerta
FOCUS-GLOBAL~A Naked Paz De La Huerta Drips Blood In First ‘Nurse 3D’ Look~Paz De La Huerta To Star In The Psycho-Sexual 3D Thriller~This is NSFW to say the least. This may be shocking, but the first concept art, coupled with the announcement of the feature film Nurse 3D, features a naked Paz De La Huerta. This is the same actress from Boardwalk Empire and Enter the Void, where she also likes to
Apollo Brown & Hassaan Mackey – The Official Daily Bread Mixtape (Mixed by House Shoes) [Mixtape]
Download: The Official Daily Bread Mixtape (Mixed by House Shoes)01.Intro 01:4502.How We Live feat. The Left 01:4503.Odds Aint Fair 01:4504.Friction feat. Boog Brown, Miz Korona, Invincible 03:3105.Simone (Louder) 02:3706.Army Fatigue Rap (Alexander Green) 03:2607.Freestyle Remix 01:5108.Hungry feat Rapper Big Pooh & Black Milk 02:2409.Contra feat. Danny Brown & Elzhi 02:4610.Soul For Sale 02:
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9 Tempat Paling Ekstrim di Tata Surya
Tertinggi, terdalam, terpanas, teraneh. Sistem tata surya kita merupakan tempat berbagai kondisi ekstrim. Dalam bukunya yang berjudul The 50 Most Extreme Places in Our Solar System, David Baker dan Todd Ratcliff memaparkan di mana saja tempat-tempat yang paling unik hingga mengerikan di tata surya. Berikut ini beberapa contohnya :1. Planet Jupiter Awan badai berkecepatan hingga 600 km/jam telah
The X-Ecutioners Pay Tribute To Roc Raida [Video]
A few hours ago at the UK DMC Finals, The X-Ecutioners paid a special tribute to the late Roc Raida. After perfoming a 10 minute routine, Rob Swift made an emotional speech about Raida before he, Total Eclipse and Precision performed Raida's favourite routine.
Nicki Minaj’s E Documentary [Video]
Dr. Dre Meets Tito Lopez And Co-Signs Him [Video]
Outlawz – Killuminati 2K11 [Mixtape]
Download: Outlawz – Killuminati 2K1101. Outlawz – One Way (Feat. Chamillionaire)02. Outlawz – Brand New (Pimp C Dedication)03. Outlawz – O4L04. Outlawz – Blow My High (Feat. Trae Tha Truth & Young Buck)05. Outlawz – Cocaine (Feat. Aktual & Tony Atlanta)06. Outlawz – Late Night Shift07. Outlawz – Back Again08. Outlawz – Spirit Of An Outlaw09. Outlawz – Outlaw Culture10. Outlawz – Bounce11. Outlawz
Wais P – Random Pimp [Free EP]
Download: Wais P – Random PimpFresh off the release of his It’s in the Game mixtape, never-soft Brooklyn emcee Wais P (The Pimp) is back with Random Pimp, a six song EP inspired by the release of Random Axe’s recent self-titled project. By reworking Sean Price, Guilty Simpson and Black Milk’s new school classic Wais proves that truly real hip-hop simply can’t be stopped.All tracks produced by
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Ski Beatz – 24 Hour Karate School II [Artwork & Tracklist]
1. Metabolic (ft. Locksmith)2. Moonwalking (ft. STS)3. Looking For Me (ft. L.E.P Bogus Boys & Terri Walker)4. Majesty (ft. Cassidy)5. Illegal (ft. Freddie Gibbs)6. Amnesia (ft. Nicole Wray & Stat Quo)7. Larry Bird (ft. Stalley)8. High Score (ft. Da$h)9. Frontin’ (ft. Tabi Bonney)10. Cotton Candy (ft. Mikey Rocks)11. This World (ft. Najee)12. You Already Know (ft. Stat Quo & GLC)Ski Beatz presents
J. Cole talks Kanye, New Fans vs Old fans, Critics, Paula Abdul, Mixtape [Video]
Exclusive in-depth interview with J Cole! Part 3 is here! J Cole talks Paula Abdul influence in new track "Work Out". The conversation continues with Nick Huff Barili asking J if Pac was alive and they collaborated together what would the track be about. Think you know? Try again! Jermaine doesn't like to be put in a box. Speaking of which, New Fans vs Old Fans is the next topic we hit, with J
J. Cole on Self Producing Most Album, Lost Ones Leak, Jay-Z being hands off [Video]
Exclusive in-depth interview with J Cole! Part 2 starts with Cole talking about the title of the debut album "Cole World -- The Sideline Story" and how it came about. The album has evolved from when we first interviewed Cole almost 3 years ago from having NO ID producing most of it to Cole producing most of it. Cole wants to have 15 songs saying Miseducation of Lauryn Hill has 15, Kanye's College
Is My New Apartment Haunted?
Berbicara soal pegunungan Himalaya, maka kita tak bisa lepas dari sosok makhluk misterius bernama Yeti. Meski keberadaannya masih diragukan, namun penduduk desa di Himalaya dan para pemburu di sana percaya Yeti adalah penghuni di pegunungan Hilamaya.Yeti atau manusia salju yang menakutkan adalah sejenis primata besar yang menyerupai manusia yang menghuni wilayah pegunungan Himalaya di Nepal
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@PhilAdE301 - One In a Million (Music Video
@PhilAdE301 - One In a Million (Music Video
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Banshee dalam dunia modern sering hadir dengan sosok menyeramkan seperti hantu ganas lainnya.Penggambaran yang begitu menyeramkan dan spooky ini ternyata disebabkan oleh legenda Irlandia atau Skotlandia yang menyebutkanpara Banshee berasal dari roh wanita yang gentayangan karena dibunuh, atau wanita yang meninggal saat melahirkan.Tapi penggambaran ini ini sangat bertolak belakang
Keindahan Pulau Kanawa, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Pulau-pulau kecil, bak mutiara, menjalin Indonesia menjadi negara kepulauan nan indah. Pulau Kanawa di Kepulauan Komodo, Nusatenggara Timur, salah satu dari mutiara itu. Birunya laut yang jernih, indahnya terumbu karang, dan kesunyian yang menenangkan bisa dinikmati dengan biaya relatif murah.Nama Pulau Kanawa pertama kali saya ketahui saat berada di ruang bagasi Bandara Komodo, Labuanbajo.
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Art of kissing
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Summerwind Mansion, sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Lamont Mansion, merupakan gudang di pantai Barat Teluk Vilas di Lake County, North East Wisconsin. Daerah itu merupakan salah satu daerah paling angker di Wisconsin. Kondisinya kini kumuh dan telantar. Hal ini karena pernah terjadi kebakaran hebat di daerah itu yang nyaris memusnahkan semua gedung di sana.Summerwind pada awalnya dibangun pada
Jaguar C Type (1953) 3/4 Avant Jaguar C Type (1953)
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Will Young - Jealousy Lyrics
Will Young - Jealousy LyricsI take it all backAll that I saidIt comes out to fastSo IJust couldn’t helpThe way that I feltI started the fireWatching you walkI followed you thereStanding too closeIt’s hurtingI pictured the wordsThe warmth of your breathI started the fireIt’s burningAnd it feels like jealousyAnd it feels like I can’t breatheAnd I’m on, down on my kneesAnd it feels like
Will Young - Jealousy Lyrics
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Volvo Cars
The Volvo Cars
Volvo Car Corporation, or Volvo Personvagnar AB, is a Swedish automobile manufacturer founded in 1927, in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is owned by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group. Volvo was originally formed as a subsidiary company to the ball bearing maker SKF. When Volvo AB was introduced on the Swedish stock exchange in 1935, SKF sold most of the shares in the company. Volvo Cars was owned by AB Volvo until 1999, when it was acquired by the Ford Motor Company as part of its Premier Automotive Group. Geely Holding Group then acquired Volvo from Ford in 2010.
Volvo produces models ranging from SUVs, station wagons (estates), and sedans (saloons), to compact executive sedans and coupes. With approximately 2,300 local dealers from around 100 national sales companies worldwide, the US is Volvo Cars' largest market, followed by Sweden, the United Kingdom, China and Germany.[citation needed] In 2010, Volvo recorded global sales of 373,525 cars, an increase of 11.2% compared to 2009.
Volvo is often compared to and nicknamed tractors, partially because Volvo AB was and still is a manufacturer of heavy equipment, earlier Bolinder-Munktell, now Volvo Construction Equipment. Some consumers considered older models to be slow and heavy, thus earning the distinction, "brick", as a term of endearment for the classic, block-shaped Volvo, with the more powerful turbocharged variants known as "turbobricks". The company moved away from the boxy styles of the 1970s and 1980s, to models which gained a reputation for sporting performance, including the factory-supported Volvo 240 turbos, which won the 1985 European Touring Car Championship (ETC) and 1986 Australian Touring Car Championship (ATCC).
Volvo is known for its high safety standards. Owners are often proud of achieving high mileage; one well-documented 1966 Volvo P1800 has been driven over 2.8 million miles, a Guinness World Record for most miles driven by a single owner in a non-commercial vehicle. According to some figures, the average age of a Volvo being discarded is 19.8 years, second only to Mercedes.
History Of Volvo Cars
Volvo company was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1927. The company was created as a subsidiary company 100% owned by SKF. Assar Gabrielsson was appointed the managing director and Gustav Larson as the technical manager.
"Cars are driven by people. The guiding principle behind everything we make at Volvo, therefore, is and must remain, safety", Assar Gabrielsson and Gustav Larson 1927.
The trademark Volvo was first registered by SKF the 11 May 1915 with the intention to use it for a special series of ball bearing for the American market, but it was never used for this purpose. SKF trademark as it looks today was used instead for all the SKF-products. Some pre-series of Volvo-bearings stamped with the brand name 'Volvo' were manufactured but was never released to the market and it was not until 1927 that the trademark was used again, now as a trademark and company name for an automobile.
The first Volvo car left the assembly line April 14, 1927, and was called Volvo ÖV 4. After this the young company produced closed top and cabriolet vehicles, which were designed to hold strong in the Swedish climate and terrain. In the registration application for Volvo logotype in 1927, they simply made a copy of the entire radiator for ÖV4, viewed from the front.
In 1964 Volvo opened its Torslanda plant in Sweden, which currently is the one of its largest production sites (chiefly large cars and SUV). Then in 1965 the Ghent, Belgium plant was opened, which is the company's second largest production site (chiefly small cars). Finally in 1989 the Uddevalla plant in Sweden was opened, which is now jointly operated by Volvo Car Corporation and Pininfarina of Italy.
A collection of Volvo's most important historical vehicles are now housed in The Volvo Museum, which opened in a permanent location in Arendal at Hisingen on May 30, 1995. For several years, the collection had been housed at "The Blue Hangar," at the then closed Torslanda Airport.
In the early 1970s, Volvo acquired the passenger car division of the Dutch company DAF, and marketed their small cars as Volvos before releasing the Dutch-built Volvo 340, which went on to be one of the biggest-selling cars in the UK market in the 1980s.
Volvo Group, as one of the largest manufacturers of commercial vehicles in the world, took the initiative to sell its automobile manufacturing in 1999 in order to fully focus its efforts on the market for commercial vehicles.
Ford, on the other hand, saw advantages in acquiring a profitable prestige mid-size European automobile manufacturer, well renowned for its safety aspects, as an addition to its Premier Automotive Group. The buyout of Volvo Cars was announced on January 28, 1999, and in the following year the acquisition was completed at a price of $6.45 billion USD. As a result of the divestiture, the Volvo trademark is now utilized by two separate companies:
* Volvo Group – a manufacturer of commercial vehicles, etc. owned by Swedish interests.
* Volvo Car Corporation or Volvo Cars – a manufacturer of automobiles owned by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group and formerly owned by Ford Motor Company.
Ford management
Volvo Car Corporation was part of Ford Motor Company's Premier Automotive Group (PAG). Since its acquisition by the PAG, the company has grown in its range of vehicles. It had been the only brand left in the group since the sale of Jaguar, Aston Martin and Land Rover.
After the sale of Jaguar Land Rover to Tata Motors of India, Ford decided to keep Volvo Cars despite mounting losses and gross economic down turns. Ford decided to restructure plans for Volvo Cars, pushing it further upmarket alongside the lower end of Mercedes and BMW sedans, wagons, and SUV crossovers. The outcome was the luxurious second generation Volvo S80 and the new small premium crossover Volvo XC60.
Talks were held about the fate of Volvo Cars in the event of failure of US automakers, including Volvo's parent Ford. Swedish concerns mounted after repeated mass layoffs at Volvo, prompting Sweden to enter the spotlight to help its automotive industry. The government was asked to look into a possible state ownership of Volvo, or financial bailout for Volvo Cars and SAAB of GM. Eventually, AB Volvo responded to heated talks and decided that they do not want to see Volvo Cars fail, so they agreed to help Volvo cut costs through partnerships and even a possible share ownership amongst a larger consortium. AB Volvo repeated and stood stern that they will not buy back Volvo cars nor be sole majority owner. They are only willing to become part share owner of their erstwhile car unit.
Ford announced in December 2008 that it was considering selling Volvo Cars and making complex evaluations; a sale price of US$6 billion was reported, but meanwhile it will try to make Volvo an independent company. The Swedish government was interested in helping with a possible Swedish acquisition of Volvo Cars in the near future along with AB Volvo. It was believed that BMW AG of Germany, Investor AB of Sweden, Chinese investors, or Russian investors were all possible candidates for purchase. Ultimately price was thought not to be the sole factor in the sale – Volvo Cars preference for its new owner, as well as the long-term strategic interest of Ford, will also influence the decision. Besides, AB Volvo must release the trademark rights to the new owner. Ford ultimately chose Geely Holding Group to acquire Volvo Cars.
Geely initially denied the plan for buying Volvo, followed by denials from both Ford and Volvo. After later estimates suggested that Volvo is only worth US$1–1.5 billion, Geely's parent company, Geely Group Holdings Co., planned to bid for Volvo, with Goldman Sachs investing HK$2.59 billion (334 million USD) to the holding company.Geely acquisition
Ford Motor Company decided to consider putting Volvo Cars on the market in December 2008, after suffering huge losses that year. On October 28, 2009, Ford confirmed that, after considering several offers, the preferred buyer of Volvo Cars was Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, the parent of Chinese motor manufacturer Geely Automobile. On December 23, 2009, Ford confirmed that all substantive commercial terms of the sale to Geely had been settled. A definitive agreement was signed on March 28, 2010 worth $1.8 billion. The European Commission and China's Ministry of Commerce approved the deal on July 6 and July 29, 2010, respectively. The deal closed on August 2, 2010 with Geely paying $1.3 billion cash and a $200 million note. Further payments are expected with a later price "true-up". It is the largest overseas acquisition by a Chinese automaker.
Stefan Jacoby, formerly chief executive of Volkswagen of America, became Volvo Car Corporation's President and Chief Executive on August 16, replacing Stephen Odell, who became chief executive of Ford Europe. Li Shufu became Volvo Cars' Chairman of the Board. His board members include Vice-Chairman Hans-Olov Olsson, a former president and chief executive of Volvo Cars, and Håkan Samuelsson, formerly chief executive of MAN. Safety
Volvo cars have long been marketed and stressed their historic reputation for solidity and reliability. Prior to strong government safety regulation Volvo had been in the forefront of safety engineering.
In 1944, laminated glass was introduced in the PV model. In 1958, Volvo engineer Nils Bohlin invented and patented the modern 3-Point Safety Belt, which became standard on all Volvo cars in 1959. Volvo was the first company to produce cars with padded dashboards starting in late 1956 with their Amazon model. Additionally, Volvo developed the first rear-facing child seat in 1964 and introduced its own booster seat in 1978.
In 1986, Volvo introduced the first central high-mounted stoplight not in citation given (a brake light not shared with the rear tail lights), which became federally mandated in the United States in the 1986 model year. Seat belt and child seat innovation continued as shown in the 1991 960. The 960 introduced the first three-point seat belt for the middle of the rear seat and a child safety cushion integrated in the middle armrest. Also in 1991 came the introduction of the Side Impact Protection System (SIPS) on the 940/960 and 850 models, which channeled the force of a side impact away from the doors and into the safety cage.
To add to its SIPS, in 1995 Volvo was the first to introduce side airbags and installed them as standard equipment needed in all models in 1996. At the start of the 1995 model year, side impact protection airbags were standard on high trim-level Volvo 850s, and optional on other 850s. By the middle of the production year, they were standard on all 850s. In Model Year 1996, SIPS airbags became standard on all Volvo models.
In 1998 Volvo also developed and was the first to install a head-protecting airbag, which was made standard in all new models as well as some existing models. The head-protecting airbag was not available on the 1996 C70 due to the initial design deploying the airbag from the roof; the C70, being a convertible, could not accommodate such an airbag. Later years of the C70 featured a head-protecting airbag deploying upwards from the door, negating the issue of roof position. It has been stated by many testing authorities that side head protecting curtain airbags can reduce risk of death in a side impact by up to 40% and brain injury by up to 55%, as well as protecting in a rollover situation.
In 1998, Volvo introduced its Whiplash Protection System (WHIPS), a safety device to prevent injury of front seat users during collisions. In 2004, Volvo introduced the BLIS system, which detects vehicles entering the Volvo's blind spot with a side view mirror mounted sensor and alerts the driver with a light. That year also saw Volvos sold in all markets equipped with side-marker lights and daytime-running lights. Much of Volvo's safety technology now also goes into other Ford vehicles. In 2005 Volvo presented the second generation of Volvo C70, it comes with extra stiff door-mounted inflatable side curtains (the first of its kind in a convertible).
In 2006 Volvo's Personal Car Communicator (PCC) remote control has been launched as an optional feature with the all new Volvo S80. Before a driver gets to their car, they are able to review the security level and know whether they have set the alarm and if the car is locked.[citation needed] Additionally, a heartbeat sensor warns if someone is hiding inside the car. The all new Volvo S80 is also the first Volvo model to feature Adaptive cruise control (ACC) with Collision Warning and Brake Support (CWBS).
Since 2004 all Volvo models except for the coupes (C70 and C30) are available with an all-wheel drive system developed by Haldex Traction of Sweden.
Even though Volvo Car Corp is owned by the Ford Motor Company, the safety systems of Volvo are still made standard on all of their vehicles. Volvo has patented all of their safety innovations, including SIPS, WHIPS, ROPS, DSTC, IC, and body structures. Some of these systems have shown up in other Ford vehicles in related forms to that of Volvo systems only because Volvo has licenced the FOMOCO and other PAG members to utilize these features.
A 2005 FOLKSAM report puts the 740/940 (from 1982 on) in the 15% better than average category, the second from the top category. The Volvo 745 was also recalled due to that the front seatbelts mounts could break in a collision.
In 2005, when the American non-profit, non-governmental Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) released its first annual Top Safety Picks vehicles list, none of Volvo's offered vehicles in the U.S. were included on the list. According to Russ Rader, a spokesman for IIHS, Volvo was lagging behind its competitors. Dan Johnston, a Volvo spokesman, denied that the company's vehicles are any less safe than the Institute's top-rated vehicles, adding that
"It's just a philosophy on safety that is different from building cars to pass these kinds of tests."
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), Volvo's S80 became one of 2009 Top Safety Picks Award winner, but Volvo's S40 and S60 (both 2005–09 models with standard side airbags) failed to attain the highest rating in their side impact test. Volvo's C30 is not tested by IIHS yet, but received 5 star safety in EuroNCAP.
However, according to the IIHS, in recent years Volvo Cars have still managed to maintain their high class safety ratings as seen in test results. The Volvo XC90, S80[46] and C70 all score top scores in these rated crash tests.
In 2008 a French court found Volvo partially responsible for causing the death of two children and serious injuries of one in Wasselonne on June 17, 1999, when the brakes of a 1996 Volvo 850 failed. The court subjected Volvo to a 200,000 Euro fine.
Volvo Car Corporation, or Volvo Personvagnar AB, is a Swedish automobile manufacturer founded in 1927, in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is owned by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group. Volvo was originally formed as a subsidiary company to the ball bearing maker SKF. When Volvo AB was introduced on the Swedish stock exchange in 1935, SKF sold most of the shares in the company. Volvo Cars was owned by AB Volvo until 1999, when it was acquired by the Ford Motor Company as part of its Premier Automotive Group. Geely Holding Group then acquired Volvo from Ford in 2010.
Volvo produces models ranging from SUVs, station wagons (estates), and sedans (saloons), to compact executive sedans and coupes. With approximately 2,300 local dealers from around 100 national sales companies worldwide, the US is Volvo Cars' largest market, followed by Sweden, the United Kingdom, China and Germany.[citation needed] In 2010, Volvo recorded global sales of 373,525 cars, an increase of 11.2% compared to 2009.
Volvo is often compared to and nicknamed tractors, partially because Volvo AB was and still is a manufacturer of heavy equipment, earlier Bolinder-Munktell, now Volvo Construction Equipment. Some consumers considered older models to be slow and heavy, thus earning the distinction, "brick", as a term of endearment for the classic, block-shaped Volvo, with the more powerful turbocharged variants known as "turbobricks". The company moved away from the boxy styles of the 1970s and 1980s, to models which gained a reputation for sporting performance, including the factory-supported Volvo 240 turbos, which won the 1985 European Touring Car Championship (ETC) and 1986 Australian Touring Car Championship (ATCC).
Volvo is known for its high safety standards. Owners are often proud of achieving high mileage; one well-documented 1966 Volvo P1800 has been driven over 2.8 million miles, a Guinness World Record for most miles driven by a single owner in a non-commercial vehicle. According to some figures, the average age of a Volvo being discarded is 19.8 years, second only to Mercedes.
History Of Volvo Cars
Volvo company was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden in 1927. The company was created as a subsidiary company 100% owned by SKF. Assar Gabrielsson was appointed the managing director and Gustav Larson as the technical manager.
"Cars are driven by people. The guiding principle behind everything we make at Volvo, therefore, is and must remain, safety", Assar Gabrielsson and Gustav Larson 1927.
The trademark Volvo was first registered by SKF the 11 May 1915 with the intention to use it for a special series of ball bearing for the American market, but it was never used for this purpose. SKF trademark as it looks today was used instead for all the SKF-products. Some pre-series of Volvo-bearings stamped with the brand name 'Volvo' were manufactured but was never released to the market and it was not until 1927 that the trademark was used again, now as a trademark and company name for an automobile.
The first Volvo car left the assembly line April 14, 1927, and was called Volvo ÖV 4. After this the young company produced closed top and cabriolet vehicles, which were designed to hold strong in the Swedish climate and terrain. In the registration application for Volvo logotype in 1927, they simply made a copy of the entire radiator for ÖV4, viewed from the front.
In 1964 Volvo opened its Torslanda plant in Sweden, which currently is the one of its largest production sites (chiefly large cars and SUV). Then in 1965 the Ghent, Belgium plant was opened, which is the company's second largest production site (chiefly small cars). Finally in 1989 the Uddevalla plant in Sweden was opened, which is now jointly operated by Volvo Car Corporation and Pininfarina of Italy.
A collection of Volvo's most important historical vehicles are now housed in The Volvo Museum, which opened in a permanent location in Arendal at Hisingen on May 30, 1995. For several years, the collection had been housed at "The Blue Hangar," at the then closed Torslanda Airport.
In the early 1970s, Volvo acquired the passenger car division of the Dutch company DAF, and marketed their small cars as Volvos before releasing the Dutch-built Volvo 340, which went on to be one of the biggest-selling cars in the UK market in the 1980s.
Volvo Group, as one of the largest manufacturers of commercial vehicles in the world, took the initiative to sell its automobile manufacturing in 1999 in order to fully focus its efforts on the market for commercial vehicles.
Ford, on the other hand, saw advantages in acquiring a profitable prestige mid-size European automobile manufacturer, well renowned for its safety aspects, as an addition to its Premier Automotive Group. The buyout of Volvo Cars was announced on January 28, 1999, and in the following year the acquisition was completed at a price of $6.45 billion USD. As a result of the divestiture, the Volvo trademark is now utilized by two separate companies:
* Volvo Group – a manufacturer of commercial vehicles, etc. owned by Swedish interests.
* Volvo Car Corporation or Volvo Cars – a manufacturer of automobiles owned by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group and formerly owned by Ford Motor Company.
Ford management
Volvo Car Corporation was part of Ford Motor Company's Premier Automotive Group (PAG). Since its acquisition by the PAG, the company has grown in its range of vehicles. It had been the only brand left in the group since the sale of Jaguar, Aston Martin and Land Rover.
After the sale of Jaguar Land Rover to Tata Motors of India, Ford decided to keep Volvo Cars despite mounting losses and gross economic down turns. Ford decided to restructure plans for Volvo Cars, pushing it further upmarket alongside the lower end of Mercedes and BMW sedans, wagons, and SUV crossovers. The outcome was the luxurious second generation Volvo S80 and the new small premium crossover Volvo XC60.
Talks were held about the fate of Volvo Cars in the event of failure of US automakers, including Volvo's parent Ford. Swedish concerns mounted after repeated mass layoffs at Volvo, prompting Sweden to enter the spotlight to help its automotive industry. The government was asked to look into a possible state ownership of Volvo, or financial bailout for Volvo Cars and SAAB of GM. Eventually, AB Volvo responded to heated talks and decided that they do not want to see Volvo Cars fail, so they agreed to help Volvo cut costs through partnerships and even a possible share ownership amongst a larger consortium. AB Volvo repeated and stood stern that they will not buy back Volvo cars nor be sole majority owner. They are only willing to become part share owner of their erstwhile car unit.
Ford announced in December 2008 that it was considering selling Volvo Cars and making complex evaluations; a sale price of US$6 billion was reported, but meanwhile it will try to make Volvo an independent company. The Swedish government was interested in helping with a possible Swedish acquisition of Volvo Cars in the near future along with AB Volvo. It was believed that BMW AG of Germany, Investor AB of Sweden, Chinese investors, or Russian investors were all possible candidates for purchase. Ultimately price was thought not to be the sole factor in the sale – Volvo Cars preference for its new owner, as well as the long-term strategic interest of Ford, will also influence the decision. Besides, AB Volvo must release the trademark rights to the new owner. Ford ultimately chose Geely Holding Group to acquire Volvo Cars.
Geely initially denied the plan for buying Volvo, followed by denials from both Ford and Volvo. After later estimates suggested that Volvo is only worth US$1–1.5 billion, Geely's parent company, Geely Group Holdings Co., planned to bid for Volvo, with Goldman Sachs investing HK$2.59 billion (334 million USD) to the holding company.Geely acquisition
Ford Motor Company decided to consider putting Volvo Cars on the market in December 2008, after suffering huge losses that year. On October 28, 2009, Ford confirmed that, after considering several offers, the preferred buyer of Volvo Cars was Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, the parent of Chinese motor manufacturer Geely Automobile. On December 23, 2009, Ford confirmed that all substantive commercial terms of the sale to Geely had been settled. A definitive agreement was signed on March 28, 2010 worth $1.8 billion. The European Commission and China's Ministry of Commerce approved the deal on July 6 and July 29, 2010, respectively. The deal closed on August 2, 2010 with Geely paying $1.3 billion cash and a $200 million note. Further payments are expected with a later price "true-up". It is the largest overseas acquisition by a Chinese automaker.
Stefan Jacoby, formerly chief executive of Volkswagen of America, became Volvo Car Corporation's President and Chief Executive on August 16, replacing Stephen Odell, who became chief executive of Ford Europe. Li Shufu became Volvo Cars' Chairman of the Board. His board members include Vice-Chairman Hans-Olov Olsson, a former president and chief executive of Volvo Cars, and Håkan Samuelsson, formerly chief executive of MAN. Safety
Volvo cars have long been marketed and stressed their historic reputation for solidity and reliability. Prior to strong government safety regulation Volvo had been in the forefront of safety engineering.
In 1944, laminated glass was introduced in the PV model. In 1958, Volvo engineer Nils Bohlin invented and patented the modern 3-Point Safety Belt, which became standard on all Volvo cars in 1959. Volvo was the first company to produce cars with padded dashboards starting in late 1956 with their Amazon model. Additionally, Volvo developed the first rear-facing child seat in 1964 and introduced its own booster seat in 1978.
In 1986, Volvo introduced the first central high-mounted stoplight not in citation given (a brake light not shared with the rear tail lights), which became federally mandated in the United States in the 1986 model year. Seat belt and child seat innovation continued as shown in the 1991 960. The 960 introduced the first three-point seat belt for the middle of the rear seat and a child safety cushion integrated in the middle armrest. Also in 1991 came the introduction of the Side Impact Protection System (SIPS) on the 940/960 and 850 models, which channeled the force of a side impact away from the doors and into the safety cage.
To add to its SIPS, in 1995 Volvo was the first to introduce side airbags and installed them as standard equipment needed in all models in 1996. At the start of the 1995 model year, side impact protection airbags were standard on high trim-level Volvo 850s, and optional on other 850s. By the middle of the production year, they were standard on all 850s. In Model Year 1996, SIPS airbags became standard on all Volvo models.
In 1998 Volvo also developed and was the first to install a head-protecting airbag, which was made standard in all new models as well as some existing models. The head-protecting airbag was not available on the 1996 C70 due to the initial design deploying the airbag from the roof; the C70, being a convertible, could not accommodate such an airbag. Later years of the C70 featured a head-protecting airbag deploying upwards from the door, negating the issue of roof position. It has been stated by many testing authorities that side head protecting curtain airbags can reduce risk of death in a side impact by up to 40% and brain injury by up to 55%, as well as protecting in a rollover situation.
In 1998, Volvo introduced its Whiplash Protection System (WHIPS), a safety device to prevent injury of front seat users during collisions. In 2004, Volvo introduced the BLIS system, which detects vehicles entering the Volvo's blind spot with a side view mirror mounted sensor and alerts the driver with a light. That year also saw Volvos sold in all markets equipped with side-marker lights and daytime-running lights. Much of Volvo's safety technology now also goes into other Ford vehicles. In 2005 Volvo presented the second generation of Volvo C70, it comes with extra stiff door-mounted inflatable side curtains (the first of its kind in a convertible).
In 2006 Volvo's Personal Car Communicator (PCC) remote control has been launched as an optional feature with the all new Volvo S80. Before a driver gets to their car, they are able to review the security level and know whether they have set the alarm and if the car is locked.[citation needed] Additionally, a heartbeat sensor warns if someone is hiding inside the car. The all new Volvo S80 is also the first Volvo model to feature Adaptive cruise control (ACC) with Collision Warning and Brake Support (CWBS).
Since 2004 all Volvo models except for the coupes (C70 and C30) are available with an all-wheel drive system developed by Haldex Traction of Sweden.
Even though Volvo Car Corp is owned by the Ford Motor Company, the safety systems of Volvo are still made standard on all of their vehicles. Volvo has patented all of their safety innovations, including SIPS, WHIPS, ROPS, DSTC, IC, and body structures. Some of these systems have shown up in other Ford vehicles in related forms to that of Volvo systems only because Volvo has licenced the FOMOCO and other PAG members to utilize these features.
A 2005 FOLKSAM report puts the 740/940 (from 1982 on) in the 15% better than average category, the second from the top category. The Volvo 745 was also recalled due to that the front seatbelts mounts could break in a collision.
In 2005, when the American non-profit, non-governmental Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) released its first annual Top Safety Picks vehicles list, none of Volvo's offered vehicles in the U.S. were included on the list. According to Russ Rader, a spokesman for IIHS, Volvo was lagging behind its competitors. Dan Johnston, a Volvo spokesman, denied that the company's vehicles are any less safe than the Institute's top-rated vehicles, adding that
"It's just a philosophy on safety that is different from building cars to pass these kinds of tests."
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), Volvo's S80 became one of 2009 Top Safety Picks Award winner, but Volvo's S40 and S60 (both 2005–09 models with standard side airbags) failed to attain the highest rating in their side impact test. Volvo's C30 is not tested by IIHS yet, but received 5 star safety in EuroNCAP.
However, according to the IIHS, in recent years Volvo Cars have still managed to maintain their high class safety ratings as seen in test results. The Volvo XC90, S80[46] and C70 all score top scores in these rated crash tests.
In 2008 a French court found Volvo partially responsible for causing the death of two children and serious injuries of one in Wasselonne on June 17, 1999, when the brakes of a 1996 Volvo 850 failed. The court subjected Volvo to a 200,000 Euro fine.
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The Next Top 50 car innovations of the Future
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The Volvo is often compared to and nicknamed tractors, partially because Volvo AB was and More After this the young company produced closed top and cabriolet vehicles, Country Swedish acquisition of Volvo Cars in the near future along with AB Volvo. Set Up Seat belt and child seat innovation continued as shown in the 1991 960. Date
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Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept

Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept
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